Message from the Founders

As Paul told Timothy to take the things that he had learnt and commit them to faithful men who would be able to lead others, 2 Timothy 2:2, this purpose has been imprinted on our hearts. In 2002, God called us to bring this message of truth to Africa and we came so that we can commit this truth to faithful men and women who would then take it to others. We believe that Grace Bible College – Africa is a big step towards the fulfillment of the goal. People need revelations in their lives just like any other news broadcasted through the media.

The Bible College offers a good foundation in basic bible doctrines and concepts, with special emphasis on God’s grace and the believer’s right standing by faith. This college will reveal the truth in the word of God and will help students understand their relationship with God and those who are pursuing full time ministry will know how to do it without getting burn out.

Everything that is needed to prosper in the Christian life comes through the knowledge of God’s word (2 Peter 1:3-4). It is our goal to share God’s word in such a simple, practical and anointed way that those who attend will be forever changed and be able to change others with the life-giving truths they receive from God’s word.

In Corinthians 12:18 says ‘’Now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body as he pleased’’. We at Grace Bible College develop the call rather than produce pastors, prophets, apostles, evangelists or teachers. God develops the gift in you in this development plan, It is our goal at GBC to disciple, build relationship and character and help each student understand what the work of the ministry is all about. It is more than academic – a balance of academic, relationships between you and God and also with others.

Learn who you are in God and have a purpose in your life. You need to fulfil your purpose and Grace Bible College is the place to start

Bill & Lena Kilel